Mileage: 5.8 miles
Devil's Dream: 5060 ft
Longmire: 2800 ft
I left camp at 0945 with a goal of arriving at Longmire about 1300-1330 and today was mostly downhill except for a climb up the Ramparts. Today was the first day since day 2 that I left camp without the rain gear on and it felt weird not wearing it. I had a long sleeve shirt on to keep the bug bites to a minimum.
Right after camp is a canyon that had pretty cool rock formations and it was really deep from the ridge I was standing on. Passed heaps of people on the trail many of whom smelled like soap and fresh clothing unlike me who hadn't had a shower in 8 days. I talked with some and other just said hi to others. One group of 3 were pretty funny and I enjoyed talking with them. They stayed at the Pyramid Creek campground. Huh? That campground is open again? For those of you who don't know, that area sustained heavy damage during the flood of 2006 and the campground had been closed since then.
I made it to the Pyramid Creek crossing in about an hour, dropped the pack, took off the long sleeve shirt and had a snack. The sun was out and it was starting to get pretty warm. Finally, a nice sunny day and it felt wonderful! Made it across the creek and came upon Pyramid Creek campground. It must be open as the signs are up for it. That's good news for hikers and the park!
Pyramid Creek crossing
Pyramid Creek
Right after passing the campground, came to the Kautz River crossing. The trail was blocked off and again heavy damage from flooding. The trail had moved to the left and it was marked with ribbons. I could see the trail down on the river bed, I just could not find the trail to get down to it. I walked to the last ribbon and looked around to no avail, so started over and repeated. However, turning to my right, behind a rock I saw a pole hole and a foot print, and found the trail down. The ribbon should have been by the rock not on a tree away from it. Made my way to the log bridge stopping to look at the flood damage, Wow!
Kautz Creek
Flood damage by Kautz Creek.
Look to the right for the trail down.
Safely across the river and back on the trail heading up the Ramparts and ran into a Canadian couple who were out hiking the PCT and decided to add on the WLT! That's way ambitious! They were caught in the 5 days of rain as well on the PCT and were happy to see the sun. Coming down the hill into Longmire, I could now hear the Harley motorcycles screaming along as well as cars. The trail pops out by the road and when you have been out in the woods for 8 days, your senses are heightened, so smelling car exhaust was not a pleasant experience.
I made it to Longmire at 1315 and started looking for Jen. I made my way to the National Park Inn (NPI) porch and sat for a while, putting on my sandals. I cannot tell you how great it felt to do that. I wanted to go into the restaurant to eat, but wanted to find Jen first. Longmire was way too crowded and loud for me and I found out it was a free weekend at the park, so no admission. Around 1430, I headed over by the store and looked for a place to dry out the tent and some other things. I had the tent spread out all over the grass out back and people looked at me funny and I was daring any of the staff to say anything, but they must be used to it. The afternoon sun was so hot that it took all of 30 minutes for all parts of my tent to dry, so got that packed away and saw Jen driving around the parking lot, so I waited by the parking lot door of the inn. Jen and Jim came out Longmire to bring me my food cache.
Jen finally showed up and had checked into their room already, so we had to walk all the way back to her car to get my clothes. I finally had a shower, but it was short and sweet as it was 1610 and the dining room closed at 1630 for lunch. We got a table at 1629 and the wait staff was upset about it. At the NPI restaurant, the food is okay and over priced, the service mediocre and once you realize that you'll get along fine. If you are expecting something great or in a hurry, try something else. I ordered a cheeseburger because I was craving salt and its a backpacking tradition! It tasted good enough that I ate it down pretty fast.
Mt Rainier
Me at Longmire
All in all a good day and I was happy to have a rest from the grind of the trail and for a chance to have my feet out of my boots for a few days. Best of all, it wasn't raining!
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